3 Facts About Video Surveillance Systems

3 Facts About Video Surveillance Systems

According to Insureon, in a recent study of business owners, it was reported that 8.8% of small businesses experienced burglary or theft in 2016. That number has only continued to climb over the years as crooks become more tech-savvy and learn to bypass outdated alarms and security systems. The need for affordable and practical alarm and security systems is more important than ever. Investing in quality commercial security systems is one of the best things business owners can do to protect themselves. Here are three facts that back that up!

Saves Money on Insurance Plans

One thing many insurance companies ask when setting up a policy for a business owner is whether the property is protected by a fire and burglary alert system. Having these security measures in place can make it easier to get affordable insurance. It shows the insurance company you are responsible for and are keeping up with maintenance and are doing your part to protect your property with commercial security systems.

Saves Money on Lost Products

It is a bit of an obvious statement, but it bears mentioning that a good security system also reduces theft and thus reduces lost profits. With fewer items being stolen, you can enjoy higher profits and reduce expenses. When you consider the costs involved with manufacturing, shipping, displaying, advertising, and selling a single item, it is easy to see how the loss of even a few items can cause massive financial losses.

Saves Money of Property Damage

The final benefit to using commercial security systems to protect your business comes from avoiding property damage. Thieves looking to break into a business will often not even attempt to do so if it is obvious there is an advanced security system in place. A good security system will deter would-be thieves and can save you a lot of money as a business owner when windows and doors are left untouched by crooks.

If you are a small business owner ad you are worried about the security of your business or property, installing one of the new commercial security systems that are available today should be priority number one. It is an important step any business owner or property manager should take to protect themselves, their employees, their customers, and their investments.